Author: admin

  • Video: Air crash in Hochwald kills 108 people 50 years ago

    Video: Air crash in Hochwald kills 108 people 50 years ago

    Video: Air crash in Hochwald kills 108 people 50 years agoThe plane crash in Hochwald in the canton of Solothurn is still the largest aviation accident on Swiss soil. Hansruedi Vögtli was fire chief in Hochwald 50 years ago.

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  • “This cannot be put into words”.

    “This cannot be put into words”.

    Publiziert 10. April 2023, 19:29 Read the online story click here Monday marked the 50th anniversary of the Hochwald air disaster. Relatives of the 108 British victims also attended the memorial service. Also Hansruedi Vögtli (89), who was the first to arrive at the accident site. Easter Monday, mild temperature, blue sky. But dark memories…

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  • A woman who lost five relatives in a plane crash in Switzerland said the news initially felt “like a bad dream”.

    A woman who lost five relatives in a plane crash in Switzerland said the news initially felt “like a bad dream”.

    BBC News Report 10 April 2023 A woman who lost five relatives in a plane crash in Switzerland said the news initially felt “like a bad dream”. Monday marks the 50th anniversary of the crash that killed 108 people, mainly women, who were looking forward to a day of sightseeing in Basel. Invicta Airlines Flight…

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  • Ceremony marks 50th anniversary of worst air crash in Switzerland

    Ceremony marks 50th anniversary of worst air crash in Switzerland report 10th April 2023 A ceremony was held on Monday morning in memory of the victims of the crash of a British plane in Hochwald, canton Solothurn, 50 years ago.  The accident killed 108 people and remains the worst on Swiss soil. The British Ambassador to Switzerland James Squire and the Director of Euroairport…

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  • Hochwald commemorates 108 fatalities

    Hochwald commemorates 108 fatalities

    New report in Swiss News Website – Translated from German 10th April 2023 At a memorial service on Monday morning, authorities, rescuers and relatives remembered the victims of the crash of a British plane 50 years ago. The accident, which claimed 108 lives, is considered the worst air crash on Swiss soil. Among the…

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  • ITV Report April 2023

    ITV Report April 2023

    A memorial garden has been created in a North Somerset village to mark 50 years since the Basel air crash, which killed more than 100 people. The plane, which took off from Bristol Airport on 10 April 1973 was mostly carrying mothers from Congresbury on an organised trip to Switzerland. The plane got caught in…

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  • 50 years after Basel tragedy that devastated North Somerset

    50 years after Basel tragedy that devastated North Somerset

    By Phil Hill April 2023 NORTH Somerset is preparing to remember the 108 passengers who died following a plane crash in Switzerland 50 years ago next Monday (April 10). The tragic loss of life occurred as the pilots became disorientated in a snow storm as they attempted to land in Basel on a day trip.…

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  • Swiss Air Crash Site Memorial

    Swiss Air Crash Site Memorial

    Memorial for the British victims of the crash of the Invicta International Airways flight 435 10th April 1973 near Hochwald; Solothurn, Switzerland.

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  • After the Plane Went Down

    After the Plane Went Down

    In a new series of Aftermath, Alan Dein tells the story of how a plane-crash, 45 years ago, in Switzerland, deeply affected communities in Somerset. 

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    HOW 108 LIVES ENDED FOREVER ON A SWISS MOUNTAIN (Air Crash Report Series) A book by Stephen Bloom looking at the causes for the accident. “It is about time a book was written about the Basel tragedy, this was a complete disaster of the worst kind; so many mothers killed and children left motherless, husbands…

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