I was the first out of plane 

I was the first out of plane 

Evening Post Wed April 11th 1973

A Bath youth told today how he survivor was the first to climb from the smashed Vanguard. Ben Gillow (17) told a Swiss reporter that he was only slightly hurt. “We flew into Basle about 10 a.m. and suddenly then the plane started to climb. It made a sweep over the area. ‘Suddenly there was crash. A wing had hit a tree.” he said. “Then the plane hit’ ground with a hell of a bang. the front burst open. The passengers were hanging in their seat belts with their heads down. “I was able to leave the plane and went to a nearby house to raise the alarm. 

Ben of Wells Road, Bath, is  a courier with Unicorn Travel now Faircourt Travel – Trip Organisers. He is a full-back with Bath XV. Rugby Club’s Youth 


Today his fiancee, Carolyn Wall (16), told of her relief at hearing that Ben had survived. Carolyn, of The Vineyards, Bath, is the eldest daughter of Mr. Michael Wall, club owner and Liberal candidate in Bathwick-Widcombe ward in tomorrow’s Avon county elections. Carolyn said: “I first heard of the crash at 4.30 p:m. yesterday. “We didn’t know Ben had survived until four hours and lots of calls later. phone “There was no celebration as such relief.” just lots of Ben’s mother rang the Walls last night when the news of her sOn came through. But there was still no news today of Ben’s injuries. Mr. Jack Simpkins, secre- tary of Bath Rugby Club, said: ‘All we know is that Ben has survived.’ 

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