Offers of aid flood town

Offers of aid flood town

 Western Daily Press April 11th 1973

THE GOOD Samaritans of the West poured offers of help into the stunned town last night. “In fact, we have more help than we can possibly. use at the moment, Cheddar Vale Lions Club said president Mr. Leavey. Norman He said local organisations are combining services to find out what help is still needed. “We are thinking long term.’ he said. ‘And we are taking offers of help from anyone who has something to contribute 


“Ordinary people are offering beds for the children meals. and to cook their “All the welfare services have volunteered aid. It is believed three children were on the plane and 29 Axbridge children had mothers in the party. *We shall set up and build a memorial fund Axbridge said chairman parish council last night. Mr. John Todd 

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