Victims’ MP calls for full report

Victims’ MP calls for full report

Western Daily Press April 11th 1973 By Preston Witts 

AEROSPACE Minister Mr. Michael Heseltine will be questioned about the air disaster in the Commons today, Mr. Jerry Wiggin. Tory MP for Weston-super-Mare, the constituency of most of the crash victims. had put down a private notice question. He will ask Mr. Heseltine for a full statement on the disaster, and for an outline of the action being taken by the Government to investigate the crash. 


Mr. Wiggin, who lives in Axbridge, was shattered when he heard of the crash. He said: “It is a terrible shock, an appalling tragedy and disaster for the area. “ I have pressed for the information to be made available as fast as possible, and I am satisfied that all is being done to that end.” Mr. Wiggin said it was hoped that an aeroplane would be chartered today to take victims’ relatives to Basle. Mr. Paul Dean, Tory MP for North Somerset said last night: “It is a shattering tragedy and I to offer would like my deepest personal sympathy to the families of those who are bereaved.” 

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