‘We were singing moments before. 

‘We were singing moments before. 

Evening Post Wed April 11th 1973

One of the survivors was Mr. Fred Tjolle, a former Bristol travel agent licensee, who now has an antique stall in Bristol Market. He is the father of Mr. Valere Tjolle, a partner in Unicorn Travel. From a he hospital in Basle, told today of the appalling conditions in which the crashed. Vanguard “The snow and sleet were coming down and it was foggy,” he said. “We went up In the air and down again and then  went straight woods.” into the Just before the crash, Mr. Tjolle said, everyone had been singing and happy. He told how the Vanguard hit the ground and ricocheted from side to side before plunging straight into the woods. “It was like something out of the cinema, except it was happening to us,’ he said. 

Afterwards there was no panic, and the passengers immediately started to help one another as much as they could. Some of them left the plane because they wanted to get as far away as possible, but it was 45 minutes before they found a farm-house. “They were wonderful there. The farmer and his two daughters got us food and hot drinks, and bathed the wounds of the injured,” he said. “Later the doctors arrived at farmhouse and we were taken to a sort of clearing station and from there to hospital.” Mr. Tjolle said most of the survivors, including him- self and the two stewardesses were in the section of the plane. tail Unicorn Travel were taken over last week and the by Invicta name has been changed to Faircourt Travel. 

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