Stay away from the air disaster villages: MP

Stay away from the air disaster villages: MP

Evening Post Saturday April 14th 1973

Stay away from the Somerset air disaster villages this weekend, Mr. Jerry Wiggin, M.P., appealed to- day. “The last thing we want is ghoulish onlookers pestering these people in their time of grief,” he said at his Abridge home. “There’s certainly nothing to all see here and I’m sure the bereaved families would deeply resent intrusions,” he added. Mr. Wiggin pointed out that memorial services in the four parishes affected by the Basle air crash would also be restricted to friends, relatives and parishioners only. Next week Mr. Wiggin plans to send a letter of thanks to his opposite number in the Swiss Parliament for the work done by the people of Dornach. 

AT CONGRESBURY, where went all 20 people who on the flight were killed, a special service is being held at the Parish Church at 6.30 p.m. tomorrow. 

WRINGTON are staging their memorial service next Wednesday at 7.30 p.m. 

AXBRIDGE and CHEDDAR are not likely to hold their services for some time, until all the dead have been identified. 


Meanwhile life for the motherless children must go on and a film show was being held in the Abridge Town Hall this afternoon to help cheer them up. The show was arranged two months ago by two of the women who died in this week’s air crash. Mr. Nick Barrington spokesman for the voluntary Central Committee, said that more films for the children had arrived in the town. “They’ve come from the Variety Club of Great Britain. And someone has given us a projector so we shall be able to give the children regular film shows in the holidays,” he added. Mr. Barrington said the films and projector would be also taken to Wrington, Congresbury and Cheddar. 

Offers of help to provide meals over the weekend for affected families had poured in. Everyone will be well looked after until the County social services department and the W.R.V.S. take over on Monday,” he added. The Ladies’ Circle are doing some splendid work. Axbridge Rural Council chairman. Mr. John Walter, of Congresbury, said cash was still pouring into the disaster fund, which now stands at over £3,000. 

Mr. Walter said neighbours of the Congresbury bereaved were helping with meals and other comforts. AT AXBRIDGE, the committee of Cheddar Valley Lions, Mendip Round Table, 41 Club and Mendip Rotary Club volunteers have moved from the Oak House Hotel to the Old Market shop across the town centre square. Their new telephone numbers are Abridge 503 and 336. 

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