BBC Report – Relatives plan memorial trip

BBC Report – Relatives plan memorial trip

Friends and relatives of more than 100 people from Somerset who died in an air crash in Switzerland are hoping to travel to the site next year to mark the 40th anniversary of the tragedy.

Source – BBC News © copyright [2013] BBC

Friends and relatives of more than 100 people from Somerset who died in an air crash in Switzerland are hoping to travel to the site next year to mark the 40th anniversary of the tragedy.

The plane which set off from Bristol on 10 April 1973, crashed in a snow storm on a mountainside near Basel.

People from Congresbury, Axbridge, Cheddar and Yatton were on board the plane for the day trip to Switzerland. 

The victims were mainly women who were on a shopping trip to Switzerland.

Rob Young’s mother, auntie and sister were among the 108 who were killed.

He said he was watching television with his father when a news flash came on the television about lunchtime.

“When they said Switzerland although we didn’t know we just put two and two together and everything took off from there,” he said.

The relatives have organised trips every five years since 1973 and some feel it could be their last chance to take part as a group.

“We’re looking to organise a coach trip setting off on 7 April 2013 to take us to the crash site where we can hold a memorial.

“The service would celebrate the victims’ lives and give us the opportunity to meet people you haven’t seen for years,” Mr Young added.

The victims were mainly women from Somerset as the plane was on a shopping trip to Switzerland and had taken off from the then Lulsgate Airport – now Bristol Airport.

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